Friday, January 30, 2009

dear lord, show me the door

okay so im going to be honest with myself. Im not happy.
Every guy that tries to get near me, either pisses me off, turns me off, annoys the hell out of me, or is just a straight up loser. I dont know what kindof person i've become. I feel better about myself telling guys how I honestly feel and not letting that kind of person in my life and all but sometimes I feel like I have no heart toward some people. Then again I dont really care. I just pray that after I get up to Tally and get all my stuff straight, I find someone good. Really good, from the inside kind of good.

Every time I get paid and the more money I have seems to go down the drain faster and faster. I have to save or else I will not be able to move. Money just seems to make everything so frustrating. Getting out of Bradenton will be the cure of my sad heart, I know this, but this having no money is KILLLLLING me.

I will admit, this week has been funn and it's not even over yet.

I pray things change, I need a new door to open.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've come to the terms that scrounging for change is okay.

Whatever helps to get out of this town faster

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday's just arn't my day

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sometimes I wish I was three seconds late on the day I met you. Things would be different