Friday, February 27, 2009

I think about moving every single day, and it honestly puts me at ease.

Im so over VS, MCC, and the people in this town. It's not fun anymore.

I really want to take a trip to NC again. Its been on my mind for like 3 weeks. I miss the atmosphere there. Also shawn comes down soon and i am excited to see him. It will probably be just like how it was last time but ill give him the benefit of the doubt.

I get my foot worked on Monday (thank you jess!). It will be amazing im sure!

off to work aka hell


Friday, February 13, 2009

i am sick, i have an endless cough. i worked 11 hours today and cant walk on my hip. my paycheck was only 250.00 and i owe my ma 240.00 so now im dead broke. my car is messing up again and i hate the town im in. the gooooood news is that i have 6000+ in my mcc account and im going shoooopppin.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

what a week//////

This week has been a blessing, I swear.

Not only did I not spend a dime on the events I attended, but I recieved so much free stuff from them. I spent it with my main girl, whom I love to peices. This has been such a week. Something I feel like I really needed. I love you Jess for inviting me to these things. You are my best fran fo ever!

I have a crush... and I dont want it :